The Wii is one of the latest video gaming consoles offered in the commercial market today. This device is designed and manufactured by Nintendo and different accessories can be connected to the console like the wireless controller and the remote. There are times when the device freezes before, during and after a game. To know how to fix a Wii that freezes, it is important to have ideas about the possible causes of this problem.
If the device freezes randomly, it is possible that the air vents of the console was blocked. To resolve this, try to reset or turn the device off. If the buttons in the device do not function, then the best move is to unplug the console’s AC adapter. Look at the air vents to see if these are blocked. If the vents were blocked, you need to transfer your Wii to a well-ventilated place. It is important to spray the console with compressed air.
If the console freezes while you are playing the game, it is possible that the disc that you are using have damages or scratches. When this occurs, remove the disc and turn the device off. Afterwards, check the disc for damages. If there are no damages, try to put another disc in the console and turn it on. If the device does not freeze, then it is possible that there are some issues with the previous game that you are using. To check the problems with the game, you can visit the website of Nintendo.
If there is no problem with the disc, then you need to check the accessories connected to the device. Look at the cables if these are loose. Sometimes this video gaming console freezes when the cables attached are loose.
If the cables are still in good condition, then you need to turn your Wii off. Remove the disc and the memory card. Remove the cables connected to your Wii. Afterwards, remove the hard drive. Wait for several minutes before you replace the Wii. Turn the console on to see if the problem persists. If the device still freezes, you need to send the video game console for service since there may be parts that need to be replaced.
When the problem was caused by overheating and you cannot find compressed air, you can try the towel technique. Get two towels and cover and cover the top and bottom of the device with the towels. Wait until the device has cooled down and check if the problem persists.