How to Build a Fire Pit

How to Build a Fire Pit

The techniques outlined below will help you to build a fire pit. Begin by procuring the following material.

Required Tools and Materials

Several nails
Spray paint or chalk
Pea gravel
Stones (12 x 12; stackable; can be interlocked)
Concrete pavers

Picking the Right Spot

Never construct a pit near trees or grass. Keep clear of places adjacent to wires or power lines. Don’t dig in spots near underground water pipes. The pit should be on level ground; it’s also possible to make one on slope surfaces, albeit it’s more difficult.

Preparation and Digging

Put the stake in the ground and fasten a string around it. To build a fire pit, link the stake to a nail. Put it a couple of feet away. Using the chalk or spray paint, draw a circle around the stake. Use the shovel to dig a 12” hole. Keep the edges uniform.

Dig another hole (about 6”x 6” x 12” deep). Scrape the bottom and add 4 inches of gravel. Put gravel in the outer hole (the one you dug up earlier). The gravel will serve as the draining system and also balance the rough edges.

Put in the Sand

The sand will be used to keep the fire from reaching the bottom levels. After adding the sand, arrange the concrete pavers along the pit. A minimum of two rows for the pavers are required to build a fire pit.

Don’t apply any adhesive; dry stacking will be fine. Moreover, glue contains substances that might react to fire. Once the pit is ready, you can light the fire.

Checking with the Authorities

Regulations concerning fire pits vary per city / town. It won’t hurt to consult the local fire safety office in your area. This way you not only get the paperwork one; you’ll also be aware of the safety standards that need to be met.

Be sure to inform the authorities about the size of the fire pit, where and why you’re building it. While you’re there, you can ask about the location of underground water pipes so you can avoid them.


After you build a fire pit, keep a safe distance when you start lighting it. Keep small children away from the fire. Do not keep leaves, paper or any combustible material near the flames. If you don’t have a fire extinguisher, have buckets of water nearby. If the fire gets big, just throw water over the flames. Don’t put the buckets too near the fire because they might burst.

The weather is also a factor; too much wind can kill the fire. When assessing a site, think of the weather that prevails over it too.
Dry stones can be employed instead of concrete pavers. Don’t use wet rocks. The heat will turn the water into steam and could shatter the rocks. Large to medium sized dry stones are recommended.

As you can see, learning to build a fire pit is easy. Once everything is set, gather your friends and bring out the hotdogs.