How to Build a Pool Table

How to Build a Pool Table

Before you build a pool table, decide on the dimensions. The most widely used are 9 ft (50 x 100”), 8 ft (44 x 88”) and 7 ft (39 x 78”). Make sure the room has space not just for the table but also for comfortable player movements.

Required Tools and Materials

Bubble level
4 flathead screws, 2 to 4 inches long
4 L-brackets
Felt (100×50 inches)
Pool table adhesive
40 flathead screws
Electrical sander
Scroll saw
Table saw
4 wooden beams, 8–12 x 8–12 inches
300 inches of 5×5 inch wood
100×50 inch piece of flat wood, 2 to 4 inches thick

Step 1

Use the table to cut the wood board to the desired pool table dimensions. Sand the edges. You can use an electric sander or sandpaper.

Step 2

Make pockets from the table using the scroll saw. The width should be 4.5 to 5 inches. Make pockets in the table corners. Make a couple more by the wood’s 100 inch sides. The pockets have to be circular. Put the side pockets fifty inches off both ends. Sand the pockets after you make them.

Step 3

Saw the pool table’s wood edges. These will be set on the playing surface as you build a pool table. Saw the 5 x 5 wood strips to lengths of 50 inches (6x). This is the distance from one pocket to the next.

Set the edges so the pockets are not covered. Fasten them using the flat screws. Each fifty inch edge should have 4 screws. Set them 12 inches apart.

Step 4

Saw the boards to make the table legs. You can add detail to the legs by using a lathe.

Step 5

Set the legs upright on a flat surface. Set the playing surface on these legs. Place the legs where you need them to be. Drill and screw the legs. Three screws per leg are recommended.

Step 6

Add an L bracket on the legs. Screw this on the playing surface underside and the leg. This will provide additional support for the whole structure. This feature is optional though.However, it is best to ad it.

Step 7

Apply pool adhesive on the surface. Set the felt down. You can staple an inch off the edges to keep the felt in place. Screw or staple the nets below the pockets.

After you build a pool table, place it in the spot where it will be used. Now you just have to add the cue stick and the balls to start playing.