How To Build A Dog Kennel

How To Build A Dog Kennel

The best way to build a dog kennel is to start with a sketch design. Examine some existing kennels to get some ideas for your kennel. If you already have concepts in mind, note them down.

Required Tools and Materials

Fence materials
Wood or other building material
Hammer, saw and other tools for installing the fence (you can ask the store personnel what tools you’ll need)

Step 1

Check the local building code in your location first. In some cities there may be restrictions imposed on the size of the kennels. There may also be standards that need to be met during construction.

Step 2

After drawing the sketch, decide on the dimensions. Decide how big the whole structure will be. Also note down the distance of the kennel from your home. You should also consider how far it is from your neighbors.

Step 3

Once you have the materials you can begin to build a dog kennel. Measure the entire area. When you have the figures, install the fence. The fence needs to be put deep in the ground. This not only makes the fence stronger but will keep the dog from digging out of it.

Heavy duty fences are the best option as they’re durable. The fence also needs to be toxic free and with no sharp points. Note: if your dog is a high leaper, you’ll need to get a higher fence.

Step 4

After the fence is installed, you can work on the door. Ensure the door latch is secure so the animal can’t get out.

Step 5

When you build a dog kennel, it’s a good idea to make separate shaded and open areas. A doghouse will protect the animal from rain and heat. If you don’t know how to build a doghouse, you can buy one. Put it in a spot that provides shading.

While you want an open space for the dog, there should still be some sort of shield from the heat. The dog run should be created near the tree. You can also use any type of material as long as it provides shading. However the shading material should still permit air to come through.

Step 6

When you are finished, clean the area. Take out all the tools you used. Check the fence again for any sharp edges.

Tips and Warnings

Here are a few other things to bear in mind when you build a dog kennel. The structure should be set on an elevated surface. This is to prevent the ground from being soaked in mud after snowfall or torrential rain. To avoid this problem, do not put your kennel on sloping grounds or at the bottom of a hilly spot.

Another thing to consider is separation anxiety. Think of this first before setting up the kennel. On the other hand, some dogs are perfectly happy to be alone.

A lot of planning and thinking is necessary here. But this is absolutely essential. By outlining your plans, you’ll be able to build a dog kennel properly.