How to Build Brick Steps

How to Build Brick Steps

If you want to build brick steps for the porch, you need to prepare the following supplies. Get the dimensions of your steps first so you can get the right quantities.

Required Tools and Materials

Concave pointer tool
Stiff brush
2 x 4 wood planks

Step 1

If there are preexisting stairs on the porch, take them out. If there are worn out brick steps, it’s much better to take them out than repair them.

Step 2

Dig a hole just under the frost level. Level it. Use the 2 x 4s to frame the cement. After mixing the cement, pour it in the hole. Let it dry.

Step 3

To get the total rise, measure from the porch’s top to the base. When you build brick steps, this procedure will help you determine the height of the steps. The rise for each brick is around 6 to 7 ½ inches. Next, calculate the height of each step so it matches the total rise.

Step 4

Get the bricks and damp them. The bricks need to be wet, so use a garden hose to water them a couple of hours before you start using them. Get the mortar and start mixing. Mix them according to the directions indicated in the package.

Step 5

Put half an inch of mortar on the concrete. Level it. Set the bricks according to the pattern you set up. Put half an inch of space for each brick. You can also use form bars to help align them when you build brick steps. Put the bricks in the mortar. Tap it with the mallet.

Step 6

Use the concave pointer tool to shape the exterior joints. Use the brush to take away the extra mortar. Do this when the mortar has settled somewhat but not totally cured.


You may use a rebar grid when putting in the cement. This will help in the fortification of the steps itself. To help in the rain runoff, you should make a little pitch on the tread steps.

The importance of the measurements cannot be overestimated; take your time in gauging the bricks’ size so you don’t make a mistake. When you build brick steps, make sure the steps are wide enough so that people can walk on it comfortably.


You’ll need to create hand railings for the brick steps if they are higher than four steps. Do not allow water to accumulate at the treads. In some instances, you may need to chop off the brick’s edge. If this is the case, just put the bolster on the marked line and hammer it.

Make an allowance for the number of bricks needed. When estimating the brick requirements, having a few extra bricks is ideal. Never hurry the drying process; let the mortar dry naturally.

If you want to build brick steps, you need to keep an eye on the mixture and the measurements. By taking your time, you’ll be able to make stable steps.