Anyone who wants to study how to build a bench may find the task difficult at the beginning. However, this project is suitable even for those with only basic knowledge of carpentry.
Required Tools and Materials
1 inch wood screws
Drill with screwdriver bit
4 4-by-4s, 17 inches high
7 1-by-4s, 14 1/2 inches long
8 1-by-4s, 47 1/2 inches long
Put a couple of the 4 x 4 pieces on an even surface side by side. Mark 4 ½ inches off the edge with your pencil. Put one of the 14 ½ boards so the 4 x 4 edges are even with the 1 x 4.
Fasten these pieces by drilling the screws in the 1 x 4. Drill the 1 x 4 into the 4 x 4. Repeat this step for the remaining 4 x 4. When you build a bench, know that these will make up the sides.
Step 2
Flip the bench sides onto the ends. This means the 1 x 4 will now be upright. Put one of the 47 ½ x 1 x 4 across the 4 x 4. Place it at a height similar to the 14 ½ x 1 x 4. Fasten this on the 1 x 4 and 4 x 4.
To secure it, drill though the 1 x 4’s long sides and into the shorter ends of each 1 x 4. Drill into the 4 x 4 sides. Repeat the process on the bench’s other side. You will end up with a rectangle frame that has four legs.
Step 3
Mark 8 1/4 inches off the 1 x 4 frame’s top. Mark the 4 x 4s. Use two 14 ½ x 1 x 4 pieces to make a rectangle frame. Join it to a couple of 47 1/2-inch 1 x 4s. Connect the frame to the bench legs by screwing into the 1 x 4s into the 4 x 4s. Stick on the legs by 3/4 inch.
Step 4
Put the 14 ½ on the bench frame. Screw it into the frame. Put another 14 ½ on the leg’s top on the opposing side.
Step 5
Spot 18 inches off the 1 x 4 you put in the middle. Put 14 ½ boards in the frame. Even the boards with the legs.
The final step to learning how to build a bench is to place four 47 ½ boards on the frame. Space them by ½ inches. Fasten these on the cross beams by putting screws in the bench’s top in the cross beam edges.