How to Build a Tree Stand

How to Build a Tree Stand

Hunting can be a challenging experience. But if you know how to build a tree stand, it will be much easier and comfortable.

Required Tools and Materials

Nails or bolts
Climbing rope
Climbing rope and hooks
Long chain
3 to 5 pieces of wood, 1 ½ inches thick x 3 feet long x 6 to 12 inches wide
8 to 10 2 by 4s, 1 ½ to 2 feet long
4 to 6 pieces of wood, 1 ½ inches thick x 5 feet long x 6 to 12 inches wide
(2) 2 x 4s, 20 to 30 feet long
Safety glasses
Table saw

Step 1

Consult the local authorities. Ask if it is all right to set up a tree stand in the area. Check also if there are fees for putting up the stand on trees.

Step 2

Look for a tree. Search for the one that can give you the widest scope possible.

Step 3

Cut the pieces of wood using the table saw. Make enough pieces for the safety fence, seat and ladder. The ladder parts will be composed of 2 wood pieces.

Make it as high as desired. Saw the rungs so they are 2 feet long minimum. Saw a piece of wood for the floor. It should be 6 to 12 inches wide, 5 feet long and 2 inches thick.

Step 4

To build a tree stand seat, make it as wide and thick as the one used for the floor. However it should only be three inches in length.

Step 5

Get the chain. Make sure that is lengthy enough to put around the tree stand.

Step 6

Nail the rungs of the ladder on the beams. Set down a couple of beams on the floor. Join the wood pieces that will be used as flooring. Set up the seat as your bench.

Step 7

Take the tree stand to your selected tree. Nail the ladder. Use the chains to keep the structure in place. Put the chain around the tree and the ladder.

Step 8

Get the other two wood pieces. Cut them to 4 ft lengths. Nail them diagonally to the floor from the tree. Join the seat onto the floor. Fasten this to the tree.

The final step to build a tree stand is to add the climbing hook. You can also use a climbing rope. You should secure the rope in a loop. If you want, you can add more support by putting in support beams using the chains.